REgions Partners

In order to carry out the REgions project an international team of leading research institutions, industrial partners and need-owners covering the many areas of expertise necessary has been organized. 

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Austria´s largest Research and Technology Organisation for energy systems and other research focuses.


BOKU_Met does applied and model oriented research for climate change, atmospheric radiation and energy balance, environmental and agrarmeteorology

Wien Energie

Wien Energie is a municipal supplier where more than 10,000 people have already become involved in the citizen solar power plants (5MWp);


UBIMET is one of the top meteorological services providers in Europe with expertise in meteorology, specifically in developing weather forecast models;

Fraunhofer IEE

Fraunhofer IEE, as part of Europe’s largest research institution, has more than 500 employees working in the field of energy economics and energy system technology;

Engie Green

ENGIE Green is, with more than 1.3GW wind and 860MWc PV, a major player for design and maintenance of wind and PV plants in France


ARMINES is one of the leading French Research and Technology Organisations with a turnover of €44.7 million in 2014


Hespul is an association with twenty years of experience in the development of renewable energies and energy efficiency at the regional, national and european level


Artelys is specialized in optimization solutions and software tool development for key stakeholders in Europe and North America, mainly for energy and transport

Supporting & observing Partners

The following partners are officially supporting the project REgions and are acting as observers:


ARGE Netz is one of the leading groups of companies for RES in DE. It bundles around 4GW of RES and solutions for storage and conversion of RES.


Enercon is one of the main European wind turbines manufacturers, with more than 22000 turbines in more than 30 countries and about 13,000 employees


SDET is the organizing authority for energy distribution of Tarn department, home to 386,000 people


SyDEV is the organizing authority for energy distribution for 600,000 peoples, a RES operator and experienced in smart grid projects (Smart Grid Vendée, SMILE)


Boralex is a renewable energy developer and operator in Canada, FR, United Kingdom and United States, owning and operating 61 wind parks and 3 solar parks in France